Monday, May 16, 2016

Melasma, my journey

If you have Melasma and have been searching for options to find a way to minimize the appearance of these unpleasant hyper-pignmentation marks on your body or face and are curious about the options out there I'm so glad you found me here.  As I searched endlessly for the past couple years for a 'cure' I became more and more convinced that I had to share my experiences and create a space where others could share as well.,

My journey began 4-years ago when I discovered something on my face that later turned out to be something I couldn’t solve so easily; this wasn't a breakout or something a facial could fix.  I no longer felt good in my own skin because of it.  I went from clear skin (with freckles I never wished away) to almost half my face being affected by hyperpigmentation within months.  When the beginnings of Melasma began to surface I first felt afraid of how to deal with it and live with it – if it were in fact a permanent tattoo on my face.  Little did I realize that it would take me on a beautiful journey to self-discovery.  So here I am, sharing my experiences on my blog to create a place to support you or anyone you may know who deals Melasma.  

Because Melasma is still puzzling to "cure" and dermatologists have yet found a definite way to remove it, I see a need and urgency to help other others who may also deal with this hyper-pigmentation and create a space with products and recipes that could be of help.  Building this blog means there is a solid place for understanding, open discussions; and a peaceful place to share all that I’ve learned in these 3+years. 

Since I'm currently experiencing some break in the areas on my face affected by this, I'm convinced I'm doing something right and want to share what those steps could be with all of you. Like many other blogs out there that are successful in seeking beauty truths, I hope to fill in those blanks and shed some light on how you can continue to live, treat, and cure Melasma while enjoying all the other fine things in life as you once did before it became a part of your days & beauty routine.  From laser to supplements, I will share my experiences here with you so hopefully something you haven't tried, or want to try, can be of help.  

There is so much I’m looking forward to sharing here.  Each product & procedure has a story of it's own, so I hope you come back to read more about them as I'll post often about my melasma journey with pictures and other fun facts I've learned along the way with the support and assistance of some of the best dermatologists here in NYC. 

Here is a picture of me before the melasma spread.  It started lightly within my freckles so it was easier to cover-up, but you could still see the blotches coming through even though this isn't the best picture, it's the best I could find before it really worsened.  

With gratitude

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Try something new

I'm always interested in trying new things when it comes to a new workout or sport, but there is rarely an occasion where I can go through with it due to scheduling conflicts, and yes sometimes excuses.  I decided one day it's been a long while since I had that new feeling with something I have wanted to try.  I'm finally carving a little time for me and rewarding myself,  while embracing my fears.

Trying new things is exciting, of course it can be nerve wrecking, but I always feel it's pretty similar to starting the first day of school.  You can't sleep, you can't concentrate on anything else the days leading up to it and you are likely over thinking EVERYTHING!  You still go, you survive and you look forward to the next day, and the next, and the next.

So, my something new was taking up tennis.  
My first lesson was Saturday morning and I absolutely LOVED it!  

I have to say, I went in picturing myself rock'n it on the court and I did.  I didn't let fear get the best of me as I normally do, because it's those times I lack the most confidence in myself.  I know myself all too well, if I walked in and already felt defeated I would have given it 20% or walked away from crippling fear.  I definitely praise my coach today for making my first lesson so enjoyable while still challenging me.  This is the one area I always self-doubt.  Instead, I chose self-love and it was rewarding and such an empowering feeling to step outside my comfort zone.  When we can prove to ourselves the power of our own abilities to create circumstances like this, we can pretty much see no end to our strengths and determination to just give something new a go.  

To someone else, this may have been as easy as brushing one's teeth, but to me it was a huge deal and I walked away happier, and will be healthier for it.  Trust me, everyone's fears can't be compared, but the emotion itself isn't personal - we all feel fear at one point or another in our days.  

I had a pep talk with myself before arriving 30min early.  That's me... over preparing and leaving time to meditate.  Trying is so much more rewarding than sitting everything out because you feel you're never going to be as good as the next person.  I think I'll keep trying new things and see where they take me.  

What's the last thing you tried that was new?  What did you learn about yourself?  I encourage you to do something you have been wanting to try, even if it's not the first time, and live it up!  We only have this one life, make it spectacular!  

With gratitude