Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Before your feet hit the ground...

Having already talked in a previous post about making time to do the things that truly matter, and allow me to feel balanced and healthy, I wanted to share a fairly new morning ritual I've recently adopted and it's become my new energy booster before my feet even touch the floor.  

My husband has an obsession forwarding me articles on how to be a morning person, it's comical how often these make it to my inbox.  I think he's been trying to tell me something, no?  My honey man wakes up at 4:30am daily, occasionally weekends too, and this has been going on since he was in high school!!  He is the most disciplined person I know, I admire that about him most, but it's not something I felt I could attempt without feeling like a fraud.  I'm a night owl at heart, but honestly my energy is better in the morning.  Naturally, it took time to reach the point of productivity.  

Although I liked my evening time for me I was finding and realizing that I was irritated because I was still so sleep deprived.  My energy was non-existent by the time 7pm rolled around.  Plus, late nights were unproductive since it wasn't like I could use that time to tackle large home projects or chores.  I'd end up watching TV in bed while my family slept soundly.  By the time night came and my daughter was asleep I had zero patience to read my own books, pamper myself with that face mask I've been dying to try, or even attempt to sleep before 1am because again it was "me" time I felt I deserved.  I was wired and imbalanced.  Something had to give.

It's funny how ZERO sleep had me fooled to think it was rewarding because I had a few extra hours of being awake without anyone needing something from me that sitting in bed and watching TV was supposed to feel rewarding.  So backwards, right?

When another one of those fabulous "how to be a morning person" articles arrived in my inbox, by none other than my adoring husband, I decided to give it a try.  This one happened to be by Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Psychologist, and it seemed too easy to work, but I committed to trying it the next morning.  I have to say, I've done what she recommended every morning since and it works!  Other rituals came into play as well, but we'll get into those in another post.

Check out the original article from TechInsider  and be sure to check out her TEDtalk on how your body language shapes who you are.  I love finding new ways to build confidence, start my days off on the right foot, and I have appreciated my mornings while I have healthy energy and feel rewarded for a good night's rest.  Hopefully if you decide to give this exercise a try it will spark a little confidence in your day ahead or have you thinking of ways to change how you start your mornings.  If anything it's an additional tool in your tool box when you need it. ;)

Are you a morning person?  How do you start your morning off on the right foot and make that motivation and positivity last all day?  

Happy waking!

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